Picture Pawfect: The Ultimate Pet Photo Contest


PROMOTION OVERVIEW: These “Official Rules” apply to the Promotions to be offered from time to time to residents of one or more Morgan Properties residential rental communities (each, a “Community”). In some instances, a Community may choose to host a Promotion that is open only to the eligible residents of that Community. For each Promotion, Morgan Properties will make the following information available on the Rentcafe Resident Portal Platform: the start date (each a "Promotion Start Date"), the entry deadline (each a "Promotion Entry Deadline"), the prizes to be awarded, and the approximate retail value of the prizes to be awarded. Each Promotion begins at 9 A.M. on the Promotion Start Date and will end at 11:59 P.M. on the Promotion. Entry Deadline (each a "Promotion Period"). Unless otherwise indicated in the announcement for the Promotion, all stated times are in the local time zone of the Community hosting the Promotion.

  1. ELIGIBILITY: Each Promotion is open to natural persons who (a) are a current resident 18 years of age or older at the Community hosting the Promotion as of his/her date of entry, (b) are not in default under the terms of their Morgan Properties Lease Agreement during the Promotion Period, and (c) are registered to use the Rentcafe Resident Portal (“Resident” or You”). Employees, directors, and officers of Morgan Properties, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotional agencies, and anyone working directly on a Promotion, and their immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings, and their respective spouses), and household members, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter or win. By entering the Promotion , you agree to be bound by these Official Rules, which constitute a binding agreement between you and Morgan Properties.

  2. HOW TO ENTER: As part of a Promotion, eligible entrants may be invited to post reviews, photos, comments, video, and/or other text, visual, audio, and audio-visual content on (a) Morgan Properties Rentcafe Resident Portal Platform and/or (b) a social media platform offering free accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) (each, a “Social Media Platform). Materials you submit in connection with a Promotion entry are collectively deemed as your “Submission”. To enter this Promotion, (i) To enter the contest participants must complete the Woobox Form and submit a photo of their pet and must be a current Morgan Properties resident in good standing.
  3. All elements of the Submission (including any text or images) must comply with the additional requirements as set forth in Section 5 below of these Official Rules, and with the terms of use of the Social Media Platform. You may enter multiple Submissions on the same Social Media Platform; however, each Submission must have unique text and/or image. You may enter the same Submission on each of the Social Media Platforms designated for the Promotion. You are responsible for setting your account on the Social Media Platform to “public” and taking any further necessary administrative steps to ensure that you can receive communications from Sponsor. If you do not have an account on the Social Media Platform, you can visit the Social Media Platform and register in accordance with its enrollment instructions for a free account.

    Online entry as set forth in these Official Rules is the only method of entering the Promotion. No other form of entry is valid. Message and data rates may apply. You should check with your wireless service provider for details on these and any other applicable charges. You are solely responsible for any such wireless charges.

    1. For images or audio-visual presentations included with Submissions, with respect to any minors depicted therein, the minor’s parent or legal guardian must have provided permission to you for the minor’s likeness to be used. Only the entrant is eligible to be awarded a prize. No subject in a Submission and/or photographer or videographer will be eligible for a prize unless he/she is deemed the entrant.

    2. Any audio or text (title, caption, and/or description) must be in English.

    3. Any Submission that is submitted via a Social Media Platform that does not include the tags #Promotion and other required hashtags as announced by Morgan Properties, is subject to disqualification.

    4. Where prescreening is possible, Morgan Properties has the right, but not the obligation, to screen (or have its designated agent screen) every Submission and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to post or disqualify any Submission (or a component thereof) that does not comply with the guidelines in these Official Rules.

    5. The Submission must be your original work, must not have been submitted in previous competitions, previously published, or won previous awards. The Submission may not contain, as determined by Morgan Properties, in its sole and absolute discretion, any content that:

      • ■ is inappropriate, offensive, indecent, obscene, discriminatory, defamatory or endorses any form of hate or hate group;
      • ■ includes the image, name, or other information identifying any person, without such person’s permission;
      • ■ contains copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings, and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media), without permission;
      • ■ contains trademarks, logos, or trade dress (such as distinctive packaging) owned by others, without permission;
      • ■ disparages Morgan Properties, any of the Promotion Entities, or any other person, company, organization or party;
      • ■ promotes any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous; and/or violates any law; or
      • ■ contains watermarks, signatures, or copyright notices.

  5. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: An eligible Submission must be received online by the Promotion Entry Deadline. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt by Morgan Properties of any Submission. Any Submission not meeting the requirements may be disqualified, but no notice of disqualification will be sent. Morgan Properties reserves the right to obscure, remove, blur, or otherwise edit such elements or to ask the applicable entrant to obscure, remove, blur, or edit such elements in a Submission that otherwise complies with the Official Rules and to consider any such edited Submission as eligible for the Promotion. Morgan Properties is not responsible or liable for lost, stolen, mutilated, incomplete, incorrect, delayed, late, interrupted, illegible or misdirected entries.

  6. DETERMINATION OF THE WINNERS: On or about seven (7) days after the Promotion Entry Deadline, a potential winner will be randomly selected from among all eligible Submissions received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible Submissions received. Selection of the potential winner shall be conducted by or similar service.

  7. NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL WINNER; REQUIREMENTS FOR POTENTIAL WINNER TO RECEIVE PRIZE: Morgan Properties will notify the potential winner. By entering the Promotion, you agree that Morgan Properties has the right to contact you for purposes of administering this Promotion by any of the following means: the email address associated with your Morgan Properties account, direct message via your Social Media Platform account(s), comment to original entry post with @tag, or via email to the email account provided with a Submission. Morgan Properties reserves the right to require a potential winner to sign and return within seven (7) days of notification any applicable documents sent by Morgan Properties related to the Promotion, which may include but are not limited to a letter of prize acceptance, waiver of liability, an affidavit of eligibility, and an IRS Form 1099 for tax purposes. If Morgan Properties receives no response from the potential winner within the time allotted for any reason or if the potential winner fails to return the documents as specified, Morgan Properties reserves the right to disqualify the potential winner and to select and notify an alternate potential winner from the remaining eligible entries. Morgan Properties is not responsible for suspended or discontinued Internet or wireless phone service that may result in a potential winner or alternative not receiving a notification. A list of prize winners shall be posted at

  8. PRIZE(S): 3 random participants will each receive one pet themed gift mailed to their Morgan Properties apartment address. with an approximate retail value (ARV) of $50. While the ARV the prize(s) for each Promotion may vary, Morgan Properties does not anticipate offering any prize with an ARV greater than One Thousand United States Dollars ($1,000). The prize has no cash redemption value. Winner may not transfer a prize. Morgan Properties reserves the right to substitute any announced prize (or a component thereof) with a prize of equal or greater value for any reason. Any taxes related to receipt and use of a prize are the sole responsibility of the winner. Each winner will be required to provide a Social Security Number or a Taxpayer Identification Number to Morgan Properties for issuance of a 1099 Form.

  9. CONSENT AND LICENSE FOR SUBMISSION: You hereby grant to Morgan Properties and its designees, assignees, and licensees, the perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, sub-licenseable, royalty-free, and fully paid-up non-exclusive right and license to use the Submission or any portion thereof (including any image and any included text) and all elements of such Submission, including, without limitation, the names and likenesses and biographical material of any persons or locations embodied therein, either alone or in combination with other materials, in any format or media now known or hereafter devised, in any manner and for any purpose, whether commercial in nature or otherwise, including in contexts and circumstances that result in the Submission being associated with one or more of the Promotion Entities; without limitation and without payment of any compensation, consideration, attribution, or notice to or approval by you or your heirs and successors. The foregoing right and license includes, without limitation, the right to copy, edit, translate, reuse, modify, combine with other material, adapt, and otherwise use the Submission or any portion thereof and/or create derivative works based on the Submission or any portion thereof, to publish, display, perform, broadcast, transmit, and/or distribute copies of the Submission or any portion thereof and/or any derivative work based thereon. You waive any objection to any of the foregoing uses of the Submission, and any claim whatsoever for compensation, in connection therewith. You acknowledge and agree that as between you and Morgan Properties, Morgan Properties shall be the sole owner of any and all rights whatsoever in any derivative works based on the Submission or any portion thereof created by Morgan Properties.

  10. IDENTITY OF ENTRANT: Only the one (1) person who submits a Submission will be considered the entrant and only the entrant is eligible to win a prize. In the event of a dispute about the identity of an entrant, each Submission will be declared made by the registered or authorized account holder of the Social Media Platform from which the Submission was submitted at time of entry. The authorized account holder is deemed to be the natural person who is assigned to the Social Media Platform account by the Social Media Platform. Morgan Properties is not liable to any party in connection with any dispute arising from or related to the identity of an entrant.

  11. RELEASE, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNIFICATION: Morgan Properties assumes no responsibility for any computer, telephone, cable, network, satellite, electronic or Internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections, availability, or garbled or jumbled transmissions, or service provider/Internet/website/use net accessibility or availability, traffic congestion, or unauthorized human intervention. By participating in the Promotion and submitting a Submission, you agree to (a) be bound by these Official Rules; (b) waive any and all claims against Morgan Properties, the Social Media Platforms, and all the Promotion Entities for (i) any injury, damage or loss that may occur, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from (ii) participation in the Promotion; (iii) printing errors or any errors made in the advertisement of the Promotion; (iv) lost, late, illegible, incomplete, misdirected, damaged, destroyed or mutilated Submissions, or for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operations or transmissions, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials or failures in transmission of Submissions; (v) errors in the administration of the Promotion or the processing of Submissions; or (vi) any electronic traffic congestion, or any lost, interrupted, or unavailable connections with server, network, Internet service provider, or telephone; and © indemnify and hold harmless the Promotion Entities from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against a Promotion Entity due to or arising from your Submission, or your conduct in creating a Submission or otherwise in connection with this Promotion, including but not limited to: claims for trademark infringement; copyright infringement; violation of an individual’s right of publicity or right of privacy; or defamation. You further agree that in any cause of action, the Promotion Entity’s liability will be limited to your cost of entering and participating in the Promotion, and in no event shall the Promotion Entity be liable for attorneys’ fees. You waive the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages.

  12. NO SPONSORSHIP: The names of companies, products, and logos have been used for identification purposes only and may be the copyrighted properties and trademarks of their respective owners. This Promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with any Social Media Platform. The mention of any company, or the inclusion of a product or service as a prize, does not imply any association with or endorsement by such company or the manufacturer or distributor of such product or service and, except as otherwise indicated, no association or endorsement is intended or should be inferred.

  13. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Standard Terms and Conditions for Morgan Properties Sweepstakes, Contests, and Promotions, available at are incorporated into these Official Rules by this reference.